The Sokolik Law Firm Handles All Types Of Traffic Law in Clayton, MO

Don't take points on your driving record

Moving violations in Missouri carry points. When you plead guilty to these moving violations, you will receive points on your driving record. Points mean your insurance rates go up significantly. If you get too many points, your right to drive will be suspended or revoked.

Steven Sokolik will help you avoid these points. There are over 100 courts in the St. Louis region that prosecute traffic tickets. Through his years as a Prosecutor and now a Defense Attorney, Mr. Sokolik has established relationships with the traffic prosecutors that will allow him to get the results you are looking for. His goal in every case is to help you avoid points on your license as well as limit the huge fines that Traffic Courts are trying to make you pay. Prevent the situation from becoming worse, call 314-795-3479 today.

You Need an Attorney

Don't Go At This Alone

Many people think they should represent themselves on a traffic ticket and avoid the costs of an attorney. This will not save you money. Even something as simple as speeding ticket will greatly raise your insurance rates. Additionally, you will waste hours of time sitting in a Traffic Court before you have the opportunity to see the Judge and Prosecutor. These people are attorneys, they are not on your side, and you should not face them alone.

Your time is valuable. Most of the Sokolik Law Firm's traffic violation clients never have to go to court. Mr. Sokolik handles each ticket personally to insure his clients in Clayton, MO, are getting the best possible results.

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Save Time and Money

Mr. Sokolik is happy to personally meet each and every new client, but if your schedule does not allow you the time to come into the office, or if you live outside of the St. Louis area, Mr. Sokolik will take credit cards over the phone to allow you to hire him without having to come in.

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