Probation Violation Attorney in Clayton, MO

Probation Violation Attorney in Clayton, MO

When You're Facing Probation Violation Charges, The Sokolik Law Firm Can Use Its Experience on Both Sides of the Courtroom to Help You

Probation can be challenging. It is full of rules and conditions. It takes very little to be accused of violating probation. Something as simple as missing a meeting with your probation officer or skipping a class can put you in front of judge who is ready to revoke your probation and send you back to jail. Sometimes, it can be a more serious violation, such as being accused of a new crime or completely losing contact with your probation officer.

Whatever your violation may be, you must take it seriously. You will be brought in front of a judge and very likely there will be a prosecutor and a probation officer who will be asking that judge to send you back to jail.

On Your Side

There may be special circumstances that caused you to violate your probation. The Sokolik Law Firm will aggressively argue your side of the story to the prosecutor and the judge. The Sokolik Law Firm has saved many clients from jail, even when the prosecutor and the probation officer both demanded jail time. If you are facing a probation violation, call the Sokolik Law Firm in Clayton, MO, 314-795-3479.